Wrappers around diff(mean(...)) and diff(prop(...)) that facilitate better naming of the result

diffmean(x, ..., data = parent.frame(), only.2 = TRUE)

diffprop(x, ..., data = parent.frame(), only.2 = TRUE)


x, data, ...

as in mean() or prop()


a logical indicating whether differences should only be computed between two groups.


if (require(mosaicData)) {
diffprop( homeless ~ sex , data=HELPrct)
do(3) * diffprop( homeless ~ shuffle(sex) , data=HELPrct)
diffmean( age ~ substance, data=HELPrct, only.2=FALSE)
do(3) * diffmean(age ~ shuffle(substance), data=HELPrct, only.2=FALSE)
diffmean( age ~ sex, data=HELPrct)
do(3) * diffmean(age ~ shuffle(sex), data=HELPrct)
#> Using parallel package.
#>   * Set seed with set.rseed().
#>   * Disable this message with options(`mosaic:parallelMessage` = FALSE)
#> Using parallel package.
#>   * Set seed with set.rseed().
#>   * Disable this message with options(`mosaic:parallelMessage` = FALSE)
#> Using parallel package.
#>   * Set seed with set.rseed().
#>   * Disable this message with options(`mosaic:parallelMessage` = FALSE)
#>      diffmean
#> 1  0.02344552
#> 2  0.90443520
#> 3 -0.36810545